Letting go of pain in lover’s bliss, my waters flow as the memories release, of ancient hurt done long ago, energy moves, and thus it is so. I am held and I am safe, I am held and I am safe. I rise and fall with my breath, my heart filled to overflowing with tender care as I allow the tensions of life’s lessons to fall away, along with all the stories that I have stored and brought again and again to the classroom.
Surely it is time to enter upon the glorious new unfolding that opens out from this place of letting go, of deep release and feelings like rivers that flow eventually to the ocean, the source of all that is. Two travellers are we, determined to heal all of our sorrows, our song is a frequency that clears out the shadow and the shame.
Transformation through utter nakedness as I stand before my Beloved, nothing but truth between us and a love that knows no bounds, can not be contained or held within prison bars. My heart opens and my soul becomes a song that takes the slumbering caterpillar and turns it into the butterfly that was always present, flying into the glorious dawn with wings of many colours.
And so I am reborn over and over again, each layer dissolving to reveal the light that is within me, that flows through me………… that holds my essence which never dies. An eternal being living many lives, bringing all the threads together now as the old age comes to its final ending, preparing to sing the stories of humanity’s growth into a new form. Bringing peace and harmony to Mother Earth and all who live within her sheltering arms………….shanti, shanti, shanti……peace, peace, peace.